Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Final Weigh In

So my final weigh in for soar into shape is tomorrow, I would go today, but still sick and don't feel like making all the kids go with me. The good news is that I did reach my goal. I lost 10 pounds. I am so proud of myself. I have to decide what my next goal will be as I still have some more changes I want to see.
So I did read my testimony on Sunday. I was very nervous but Shawn said you couldn't tell. I got baptised and I felt like a new person. I am so glad I did it finaly. Brittney wants to get baptised now, and I am so glad at the questions I am getting from Abby. She has a memory like a sponge and is remembering everything I tell her. I love that at night she would want me to sing 4 songs to tuck her in, now every night I ask her what song and the only one she wants is "Jesus loves me".

I really hope I can instill in my children the love for Jesus that my parents did for me. I know they aren't very religious, but I know I have loved Jesus for as long as I can remember because they taught me about him. They prayed with me, until they thought I was old enough to do it on my own. my life did change and I did turn from God, but they did give me an awesome foundation in loving Jesus.

So Shawn will have to have surgery again, for sure. He is on the wait list for a cadaver peice, and then they are going to cut into his leg under his knee, break his leg, put in a metal wedge, and then screws and a plate. I have a feeling he will be down for a while. They are looking at doing this in about 3 months, but that is just a guess, as it could happen at anytime. I am praying this will not affect out trip to Maine this year, we won't know until it is time to leave though.

Our trip to Minneapolis was great, other then my being sick. I couldn't do as much as I had wanted to, but we did still have a good time. I am not sure if our Easter Service will be podcast or not, or if you will be able to hear the part of my testimony, but if it is I will share if anyone wants to hear it. It is a short version of it. My story is much longer then I was able to share at Church, but I think I got the main point out. I know God is with me, I am not alone and he does love me.

I hope everyone had a Happy Easter.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

another pound down

I can't believe it. I have lost just over another pound. I weighed myself twice just to make sure I wasn't seeing things, or that my scale was wrong. I am eating alot more then ever, but then again I try to work out every day now too.
All these years starving myself, because that is what I did when I was a teen and I was a size 0. Even after having kids, I still never ate right, I was afraid to eat and gain more weight.
I am having a hard time wrapping my head around it. But it is working. I just pray that it keeps on working.
I am going to keep at it, Keep doing what I have been doing, and it would be so awesome to be at my goal by the time this program is over. I am still eating whatever I want (pizza, lumpia ect.) I just keep track of my calories and don't go over my daily goal. I think that is why it has been so easy, because I haven't denied myself anything, where on other "diets" I would try to stay away from things I love like Chocolate milk and I wouldn't make it because that is one of my favorite things.
I am rambling. Well I started at 145 and I am down to 140.8. I am almost half way to my goal and still have 7 1/2 weeks left to go. I CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Week 1 almost done

So week 1 is almost finished. I have lost about 2 1/2 pounds, and have been doing great in drinking my water (crystal light) and keeping up with my calories. I am trying hard to stick with healthy foods, but so far am getting a little bored with some of my choices. I have been treating myself though, I know if I deny myself anything it will just make it harder to do this.
I still need to get all my mearsurments and my before picture taken. I started the 30 day shred dvd again, and am hoping to make it the whole 30 days doing it. out of all the excercising and workouts I have been doing, for some reason this is the one that causes me the most pain, but I know it is working in toning me and making me stronger.
I am really looking forward to the end of this program and seeing if I can tell any difference. I am hoping when I go to the mall of America this spring, I can go on a shopping spree to get myself some more skinny clothes.
Other then Soar Into Shape, things are going well at home. Brittney has decided to go back to Awana, I am so happy about that. I want her to want to learn about God and not force it on her. Still trying to get to move to Florida. Not sure if it happens but I am praying for it.
Valorie has 4 more teeth coming in wich puts her at 10. Not wanting to rush weaning her, but we shall see, I am letting her take the lead in that.
Abigail has become my little workout buddy. She loves to work out with me, she even uses my 2 pound weights. I need to get Shawn to take a picture of us working out together, she is too cute. She loves it, she thinks it is so much fun.
Looks like Shawn will more then likely be getting surgery on his Knee again. The shots didn't help. It will have to be done in Minnesota, not sure when they will do it and how it will affect our summer trip to Maine this year.
Off to bed, I am beat.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Soar Into Shape-Day 3

So far I have been doing great. I am getting right up to my calories, been getting a work out in every day, so far since I started I have lost 1.6 pounds. My goal is 10 in 9 weeks. I have to go to the store to get more fruit. I have been doing okay with veggies, but I really need to add fruit in there.
I am glad to see that even eating more then normal I am still slowly losing and not gaining, that was a fear of mine. Today I will have to work out at home, and I won't make it to class tonight because we have Shawn and my teams Volleyball games tonight, and I have to be there to support. But I plan to make it up on the Saturday morning class.
I am finding it the more I work out the hungrier I am. So I guess earning the extra calories while working out is nice.
That is about it. off to get day 3 started.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Soar Into Shape

Day 1 of the program, so far so good, I have my calories entered for my breakfast. I will be making up a calender for myself with all the classes I want to go to, along with the other classes that I had already been going to. I need to make up a plan on what excercises I will be doing at home, that won't mesh with what we do at the gym, as we are only allowed so many points per day for certain things. I am still trying to figure it all out, it is a little confusing.
I know we get 10 points for the aerobics classes the gym offers, but I don't know if we can only do 1 a day or if we are allowed points for more then one a day, for example there are 2 classes I would love to go to on Monday Mornings.
So far the plan is:
Tues Night Pilates
Wed Night Body Sculpt
Thurs Night Hard Core Abs
Sat Mor Body Sculpt
For Monday I will either be doing Morning Insanity boot camp, or body sculpt, or nigh time spin.
I think it will take me a little while to figure this all out, but as long as I get my calories, get my workouts in, and keep track I should be good to go while I figure it out.
So that is my update for today so far.
On another note, Valorie slept through the night again last night and is still sleeping, I am shocked. I really hope this will be her new normal.
Off to work out.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A new day

So this is my first time ever blogging. I have a few friends that do so and it has been fun to keep up with them. I had a hard time coming up with a name, but life is a journey so why not.
So as you all know I am a wife to Shawn, we have been married for 11 almost 12 years. We have 3 Beautiful, Healthy little girls. I would love to have another child, but we are leaving that in God's hands to decide. I am a Christian, a true believer and follower of Jesus Christ. The most important job I have is to raise my children to know and love the Lord. I want to know that they will be in Heaven with me when it is their time. I had been struggling with this task, but I knew what I was doing was working when in November of 2010 My oldest Accepted Jesus as her Savior, and into her life. What an exciting day.
We are living in North Dakota right now. I am hoping that Shawn will be able to get stationed back in Florida, a chance may be coming up, and I am praying that we get it. I really like it here, the area is Beautiful, the friends I have made are awesome, it is safe, and really just a nice place, but it is too far from any of my family, and I am not crazy about the below zero temps for months at a time either.
I am starting a program on base next week called Soar Into Shape, I am so excited about it. I will be doing it with a few friends I made at Bible study, and some of my other friends are on different teams. I am looking forward to seeing if I can stick with it, and reach my goal the end of April when the program ends. I really want to feel good in shorts this summer and not uncomfortable. Day 1 will be on Monday Feb 28. On Tuesday I will be able to see my starting point and set my goal.